
取材はお断りすることにしました I’ve decided not to be interviewed.
















I have been receiving daily requests from the media for interviews, and I have been trying to tell them as much as I can, but it is finally getting to the point where my job is no longer viable.
It is difficult to get any more coverage than this.

Here is what I would like to say to the media.
Please report accurately on the issue of the "DOUROZOKU" without trivialising and distorting it to include hate and intolerance towards children.
I think it is important to make it clear that it is adults, not children, who are causing this problem.


I'm a freelance web developer.
I've been working from home for about 12 years.
On the road in front of my old house, a road rage started and escalated to the point where I could no longer work.

You can read more about it in "You just might not know a real DOUROZOKU".

I did some research on the internet about road tripping and found out that there are many people who have the same problem.
I also found out that this problem is called "DOUROZOKU".
When I move next, I don't want to live in a place with a DOUROZOKU ever again, and I wanted to share the places that can't be solved if there are a lot of people who feel the same way, and help people to avoid them a bit.

What we want to achieve is the elimination of the DOUROZOKU problem.
Just as it is no longer acceptable to urinate on the road, litter cigarettes or leave dog faeces in the street, and just as the term "sexual harassment" has been coined to describe a change in social attitudes, I believe that the DOUROZOKU problem is a form of neighbourhood harassment, where parents force their children to do playing on road, or where parents directly harass and bully people who have warned them about playing on the road.
We hope that this map will help to eliminate this problem.

I have no complaints or problems with children playing outside.
However, some parents let their children play in front of other people's houses (in small residential areas in Japan) for hours every day.
This is a dangerous and annoying practice that can sometimes lead to traffic accidents.

The sound and vibration of the ball, the intense shouting, the damage done to houses and cars, the people who put up with it every day, are registered on the DOUROZOKU MAP.
And in many cases, there is a park nearby.
But for some reason, these parents do not want to take their children to the park.

Some of them work in hospitals or on night shifts and have serious problems sleeping because they are too noisy during the day.
People who are warned to be quiet and immediately listen will not be put on the map.
There are some parents who, instead of listening to the warnings of others, start to escalate their children's play and harass them.
These people are called "DOUROZOKU".

Many people go to the police, to their school, to the authorities.
However, only a small percentage of cases are resolved.

I told this story to the Asahi Shimbun.
But they trivialised the story with a story about "intolerance" and distributed the story abroad.

Please help us to get it right.

Thank you very much.


  1. Mario Chintao より:

    Just read about this map “from The New York Times”. The logic you put behind this scenario of “DOUROZOKU” is good but not enough to override the joys of children.

    the society or community should watch and raise kids as members in society. People love & pay for bird noise to fall in sleep, however unable to accept the playful children noise, this is completely ridicule’s.

    Just a side note, are you able to stop the construction sound around your home by any means?

    Any way, thanks for the initiative.

    • DQN TODAY より:

      Hi Mario,
      Thank you for your comments.

      We do not tell children not to play outside.
      It is natural for children to play outside and should be protected.
      We just want to say to the parents, “Choose your place properly”.

      Just a few metres from your living room window, loud screeching, playground noises and vibrations are emitted for hours, day after day.
      Throw a ball or a stone and it will damage your house or car.
      Your precious flowers will be trampled.
      You can’t hear the other person on the phone.
      You won’t even be able to hear the Radio.
      If you work at night, you will not be able to sleep during the day.
      There is a risk that children may be hit by a car driven by you.

      If you try to warn them, their parents will not listen and will instead escalate their play and start to harass you.
      This is the DOUROZOKU.
      This is not a parent with common sense.

      All we are saying is: “PLEASE Go to the park and play”.

      Victims of DOUROZOKU problems all say the same thing.
      “This suffering and distress can only be understood by those who have been affected.”

      One of the reasons for our worries is that we don’t know when it will start and when it will end.
      We don’t mind the sound of construction if we know when it will be finished.

      We hope you understand what we are trying to tell you.

      Thank you!

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